Labor relations management

Labor relations are the relationships of rights and obligations between individuals or groups of employees and the employer. The management of labor relations is not only the management of wages and policies for employees but also the management of compliance procedures for government.

So, what is the compliance procedure in labor relations management? What are the internal labor regulations and what does the labor agreement include?

Some basic information below provides an overview of labor relations management in Vietnam.


  • Terminate a labor relationship: End the contracts, dismissals, liquidation…
  • Recruitment procedures: Principles, recruit notice, employee background…
  • Enter and implement a labor relationship: Attendance, payroll, performance…
  • Setting up labor relationship: Labor contract, labor declaration, PIT declaration…
  • Discipline and settle any dispute: Warning, collecting technical evidence, lawsuit cases…


  • Internal labor regulations are one of the most important contents of Labor relations management.
  • Internal labor regulations registration is compulsory for the units having 10 people or more.
  • Internal labor regulations represent the concretization of provisions of the Labor Code in each specific case of the company for violations of labor disciplines, in which, extent of the violation, form of discipline, responsibility for material and responsibility for compensation shall be considered and determined appropriately.
  • On one hand, the internal labor regulations guide employees to properly comply with and respect the common interests, and contribute to the development of corporate culture; on another hand, the internal labor regulations help to prevent acts of infringement, intentional sabotage, conflict of interest, and protect business secrets as well as legal rights and interests of employees.
  • Without any properly registered internal labor regulations, the employer cannot take any disciplinary actions and still has to fully pay salary and wage even if any employee fails to complete their works or intentionally cause damage, and so on.


Registration of collective labor agreement to clarify welfare policies and entitlement conditions of the labors. A labor agreement usually includes the following:

  • Job and job assurance: job assurance measures for employees; type of contract for each type of employment or type of work; cases of termination of employment contracts; policies on severance allowances, unemployment allowances, suspension allowances; improvement of skills, retraining upon any change in technique or organization-production; principles and time of temporary transfer of employees to other position.
  • Working time, rest time: regulations on length of working time during a day, a week; arrangement of shifts and break time appropriate to each type of job or work; weekends, holidays; annual leave including travel time; leave for personal business; principles and cases of working overtime.
  • Salary, wage, allowance, bonus: minimum salary or average salary (salary on monthly, daily or hourly basis); Salary scale and payroll applied in the company; measures to ensure actual salary, salary adjustment methods upon any fluctuation in market prices; salary payment principle (time-based salary, product-based salary or piece wage); principles of setting out and adjusting salary unit price; principles and conditions of raising salary grade; type of allowances; monthly payment of salary; payment for annual leave and travel cost; overtime salary; bonus (unplanned bonus, monthly bonus, year-end bonus, performance bonus, bonus deducted from profits) and bonus payment principles (rules may be attached).
  • Labor norms: principles and methods of norm establishment, trial application, promulgation, and change; type of norm applied to types of employment; medium and advanced norms applied in the company; measures applied to the cases not satisfying norm.
  • Occupational safety and health: measures to ensure occupational safety and health; standards and the provision of labor protection equipment; regulations on allowances in kind; measures to improve working conditions; compensation for work-related accidents, occupational diseases (rules may be attached).
  • Social insurance: regulations on obligations and interests of the employer and employees in contributing, collecting and paying social insurance.
  • And other contents related to labor relations management such as labor dispute resolution method; mid-shift meal; collective welfare; allowances in case of wedding or funeral, etc. under the new regulations taking effect from 2016 onwards.


  • Managing employee profiles.
  • Preparing employment contracts, internal rules and regulations on HR policy.
  • Making and submitting reports on employment and compensation such as taxes, insurance, union, etc. to state authorities.
  • Calculating compensation, payroll, pay-slip, analyzing salary fund and salary expense by department and position.
  • Working, on behalf of the employer, with employees, competent state agencies and other third parties.
  • Giving consultancy on comprehensive management of compliance procedures about labor relations management, optimizing the accounts payable, controlling, comparing, adjusting all problems arising to ensure the enterprise is always in a clear state, without any risks and hindrance incurred with state authorities.


  • Reassessing the organization chart and operational procedures.
  • Reassessing the regulations on organization and operation.
  • Reassessing the job description table system.
  • Reassessing the system of policies on employment and compensation, including internal rules and regulations on labor discipline, compensation and welfare policies, HR recruitment, training, development and utilization policies. Updating, anticipating and managing expenses incurred related to employment and compensation.
  • Salary fund, management of salary expenses and salary deductions.
  • Strictly complying with labor relations in accordance with applicable provisions of law.
  • Policy on information confidentiality, prevention of interest conflicts, code of conduct, etc.
  • Corporate culture.
  • Completing other documents and policies to meet the audit requirements of famous clients such as Li & Fung, Honda, Panasonic …

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CEO Dinh Nam Hai, VIVA Business Consulting



The local expert for local business procedures in Vietnam since 2006

VIVA is the famous expert in Vietnam market entry procedurestax managementemployment relationscorporate finance and local business procedures at local competent state agencies.

VIVA focuses on business compliance, since 2006, we keep supporting local and FDI enterprises in fully complying with local business laws and regulations, in effective and optimal ways, identifying and preventing most of the common risks in advance.

VIVA BUSINESS CONSULTING, the one-stop solution for foreign investors and experts in Vietnam about the required business compliance procedures, based on our unique combination of local expertise and global experiences. Our staying power is thanks to our deep insights, and consistent backgrounds and practice in local business laws and regulations.

VIVA is proudly a 100% Vietnamese consulting company and has been chosen by thousands of investors and FDI companies as their confident partner and successful business in Vietnam. We are still here, since 2006 because of our thousands of satisfied clients and our employees. Our staying power is a testament to the professional resources, and so much more.

VIVA not only manage business required procedures by laws but firstly places client’s compliance and good standing, in the optimal methods when offering any solution, and integrated with our intensive resources that allow us to prevent most of the risks in advance, create more benefits, advantages and business inspiration for entrepreneurs.

The insights and consistent backgrounds in Business Laws – Accounting and Corporate Finance – Tax Management – Labor Relations and Payroll – Serectarial and consistent with our exclusive standard operation processes, consisting of consultation – implementation – pratice operation help us fully protect client interests as one-stop solution.


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