VIVA BUSINESS CONSULTING là công ty tư vấn doanh nghiệp được tín nhiệm bởi hằng ngàn khách hàng danh tiếng từ năm 2006. VIVA cung cấp nền tảng quản lý toàn diện và nguồn lực thực thi theo cách kết hợp đồng thời của: Luật pháp và thủ tục hành chính trong kinh doanh – Quản lý thuế và kế toán – Quản trị quan hệ lao động – Quản trị tài chính doanh nghiệp – Quản trị và kiểm soát nội bộ. Năng lực của chúng tôi giúp khách hàng lường trước các rủi ro, tối ưu chi phí, kiến tạo lợi thế kinh doanh.

VIVA is a business consulting company, specializes in business compliance procedures according to local business laws and regulations since 2006. VIVA has been continuously trusted by thousands of well-known clients since 2006. We are creating added value for clients by offering one-stop business platform with exclusive and tailored-made services related to market entry and mandatory business compliances. We keep our client’s good standing in lawful and optimal manners whenever they are working and doing business in Vietnam.

Rules for opening a direct investment capital account

After being issued an Investment Registration Certificate (IRC), any FDI enterprise in Vietnam must open and use a Direct Investment Capital Account (DICA) at an authorized bank to transfer capital for the registered investment activities.

According to the State Bank of Vietnam, a Direct Investment Capital Account (DICA) is a payment account in foreign currency or Vietnamese Dong opened by an FDI enterprise or a foreign investor at authorized banks to carry out transactions related to foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam.


Entities eligible to open and use a DICA are limited to foreign-invested enterprises (FDIs), foreign investors involved in Business Cooperation Contracts (BCC), and foreign investors directly implementing PPP projects without forming a project enterprise. The following principles must be observed when opening the account:

  1. Single Bank Rule: The investor or FDI enterprise must open a foreign currency DICA at (one) authorized bank to carry out legitimate foreign currency transactions related to foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam. In case of changing the authorized bank, the investor must open a new DICA at the new bank, transfer all balances from the previous DICA to the new account, and close the old account.
  2. Single Account Rule: For each type of foreign currency used for capital contribution, only one DICA can be opened in that currency at (one) authorized bank;
  3. Additional VND Account: In the case of investments made in Vietnamese Dong, the investor is allowed to open (one) DICA in VND at the same authorized bank where the foreign currency DICA is opened, to carry out legitimate VND transactions related to foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam;
  4. Project-Specific Rule: If a foreign investor is involved in multiple BCC contracts or directly implements multiple PPP projects, the investor must open separate DICAs corresponding to each BCC contract or PPP project.


Permitted transactions involving DICA in foreign currency:

  1. Receiving capital contributions in foreign currency from foreign and Vietnamese investors in FDI enterprises, foreign investors participating in BCC contracts, or directly implementing PPP projects.
  2. Receiving payments for the transfer of investment capital or investment projects, as per regulations.
  3. Receiving foreign currency from authorized credit institutions to transfer capital, profits, and other legitimate revenues abroad as stipulated.
  4. Receiving transfers from foreign currency payment accounts opened at authorized banks by the same FDI enterprise, foreign investors in BCC contracts, or those directly implementing PPP projects, to transfer capital, profits, and other legitimate revenues abroad.
  5. Converting foreign currency to make capital contributions when the contribution currency differs from the currency of the existing DICA.
  6. Receiving surplus funds from the issuance of additional shares to increase the charter capital in FDI enterprises.

Permitted outgoing transactions on the foreign currency DICA:

  1. Transferring funds to a foreign currency payment account opened at an authorized bank by the same FDI enterprise, foreign investors in BCC contracts, or the operator of oil and gas projects, to carry out foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam;
  2. Selling foreign currency to authorized credit institutions and transferring funds to the VND payment account of the same FDI enterprise, foreign investors in BCC contracts, or those directly implementing PPP projects;
  3. Transferring payment for the transfer of investment capital or investment projects to the transferor overseas, or selling foreign currency to pay the value of the transfer to the transferor in Vietnam in VND, as per regulations;
  4. Transferring profits and other legitimate foreign currency revenues from foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam abroad;
  5. Transferring foreign currency investment capital abroad in cases of capital reduction, project termination, liquidation, or cessation of investment activities, BCC contracts, or PPP contracts, as stipulated by investment law.
  6. Converting foreign currency to transfer capital, profits, and other legitimate revenues abroad when the currency used for transferring differs from the currency of the existing DICA.


The local expert for local business procedures in Vietnam since 2006

VIVA is the famous expert in Vietnam market entry procedures, tax management, employment relations, corporate finance and local business procedures at local competent state agencies.

VIVA focuses on business compliance, since 2006, we keep supporting local and FDI enterprises in fully complying with local business laws and regulations, in effective and optimal ways, identifying and preventing most of the common risks in advance.

VIVA BUSINESS CONSULTING, the one-stop solution for foreign investors and experts in Vietnam about the required business compliance procedures, based on our unique combination of local expertise and global experiences. Our staying power is thanks to our deep insights, and consistent backgrounds and practice in local business laws and regulations.

VIVA is proudly a 100% Vietnamese consulting company and has been chosen by thousands of investors and FDI companies as their confident partner and successful business in Vietnam. We are still here, since 2006 because of our thousands of satisfied clients and our employees. Our staying power is a testament to the professional resources, and so much more.

VIVA not only manage business required procedures by laws but firstly places client’s compliance and good standing, in the optimal methods when offering any solution, and integrated with our intensive resources that allow us to prevent most of the risks in advance, create more benefits, advantages and business inspiration for entrepreneurs.

The insights and consistent backgrounds in Business Laws – Accounting and Corporate Finance – Tax Management – Labor Relations and Payroll – Serectarial and consistent with our exclusive standard operation processes, consisting of consultation – implementation – pratice operation help us fully protect client interests as one-stop solution.


“If you ask any successful businessperson, they will always have had a great mentor at some point along the road.”

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